

Hey there, I’m Travis. I’m the Lead DevOps and Platform Architect at Metis
Machine(as of writing). I have a strong background in software development, and
systems architecture. I value myself in my breadth of knowledge across many
aspects of computer science and engineering. I feel that my posts could help you
better understand the other side of things, get a look into the blackbox of
whats happening behind the abstractions, and step in the shoes of the other
professions. Better understanding leads to better practice. If you understand IT
operations better as a software engineer you could better understand how to
develop a scalable software solution, or inversely if you’re IT operations and
you understand development better you can better serve the software you’re
running on your platform.

I think a common reason that people get stuck in their career path, or even just
stuck in progression on a personal project is that we learn high level concepts
and never understand the fundementals. Developers too often approach problems
with over simplified business logic, when there is a fundemental solution to
that problem, such as an existing algorithm or data structure. DevOps gets
caught in the world of IT operations, and fails to understand software.

I hope that in my writings I can share some of my experiences as both a software
engineer, and DevOps architect and practioner to help you move beyond the
hurdles you might face. I aim to provide not only fundemental concepts, but
applied approaches and existing solutions. So that you not only understand the
problem, but you can find a clear path forward into delivering a solution.

See you in the comments.